SwissStop Brake Rim Pad Flash Pro BXP Blue

$40.00 inc. GST

High performance compound for alloy wheels. Improved power and modulation with excellent wet weather stopping power.

Availability: In stock

If you like to descend at speed and ride at your limit even in wet conditions, the Flash Pro pads are the ideal choice for your road bike. SwissStop makes them in different compounds to suit different conditions and rim materials, ensuring you get the best braking performance that your caliper brakes and rims can provide.

The SwissStop brake pads use advanced rubber compounds that have been specifically developed to get the best possible braking operation with the rim type they are designed for. With silent operation and an absence of abrasive materials that can damage your braking surface, these SwissStop Flash Pro Brake Pads are an instant upgrade.

Technical details:
– Rim: Aluminum

– 0 (worst) – 10 (best)
– Stopping Power: 9
– Longevity: 8
– Modulation: 8


On a gradual downhill slope, drag each brake lightly for 20-30 seconds, alternating between front and rear. Repeat 2-3 times.Use caution and only very light force when using front brake only. Keep your weight over the rear wheel. For best results, bed in new pads in dry conditions.

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