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Travel in Style with Your Brompton Folding Bike’s Luggage Options

With such a compact fold, it’s so easy to take your Brompton folding bike with you – wherever you travel! 

Whether you’re going away for a holiday or a business trip, we have a choice of luggage cases to keep your Brompton safe while in transit.


1. B-Bag 

Our staff have travelled numerous times domestically and internationally with the B-Bag. The B-Bag is a soft case with two rollers at the back and a flexible handle at the front. It has a firm base and padding in the sides. There’s also plenty of room in the bag to pad your 

Brompton securely with foam, corflute and other soft packing cells with extra clothes, helmet etc.


2. Transit Travel Bag (Padded) 

This is Brompton’s newest luggage solution for travellers and is perfect for people who need the convenience of four wheels. It unzips on all sides so it’s easier to place your Brompton inside, and (like the B-Bag) you can stuff a lot of other soft luggage and your helmet around the bike for extra protection. Whether you use the saddle of handles to guide the bag, it’s easy to pack and use when fully loaded up.

Both the B-Bag and Transit Travel Bag are designed to pack down and be easily transportable on a Brompton – this also makes them easy to store away when you’re not using them.


B&W Hard Case

This case is an after-market solution that many Brompton owners have requested and find suitable for their needs. Depending on your set up you may need to make some adjustments to your Brompton (eg remove saddle, adjust angle of handlebars/brake levers). It’s a snug fit and there’s not much room for any other luggage in addition to the bike. It has two wheels, wide velcro straps, and a telescoping handle.


Travel Tips and Tricks

  • We strongly advise that you always remove both of your hinge clamps (don’t worry; they’re identical) from your Brompton while it is in transit and out of your possession. The B-Bag and Padded Case have internal pockets designed specifically to store these so they don’t get lost.
  • Keep your stock rollers on. These are designed to crush on impact and, in doing so, protect your rear frame. The cost of replacing these is minuscule compared to the cost of fixing a damaged frame.

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